Friday, June 10, 2011

Writing on Barata Sena in Koran Tempo

Concerning with Barata Sena's Wooden Artwork last May 2011, he  was written by Koran Tempo dated 23 May 2011.

If you are interested to read it, please, download it for free in URL below:

pdf format:

jpg format:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wooden Artwork Exhibition, 18 - 30 May 2011

Barata Sena, a wooden artwork artist from Solo, Indonesia,   will hold his wooden artwork exhibition from May 18 to 30, 2011, at Balai Soedjatmoko, located at Jl. Slamet Riyadi 284, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. It is his second solo exhibition. His first solo exhibition has held on 31 December 2008 – 31 January 2009.

To know further Barata Sena, please, free download to get his first exhibition catalogue on Url below:


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pameran Seni Jalan Kayu, 18 - 30 Mei 2011

“Hidup adalah berkarya. Bagi Pejalan Kayu berkarya adalah pemahaman tentang proses. Proses itulah karya. Bukan hasil akhir.’

Ungkapan Barata Sena adalah bagian dari pameran tunggalnya kedua Pameran Seni Jalan Kayu yang bertajuk “Proses Itulah Karya” yang akan diadakan pada:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Were one’s intellectuality to achieve the highest grade on schooling, nonetheless one’s mind might turn one out to be such an ignoramus. Thus, recognize yet practice your mind! (Bulan Sorbadjati & Barata Sena)

Sekalipun secara intelektual engkau mendapatkan nilai tertinggi di sekolah, bisa jadi batinmu teramat sangat bodoh.(Bulan Sorbadjati & Barata Sena)


And thus one was related to one’s own sibling as are the two seasons of the equator sphere: kemarau and penghujan. When kemarau arrived, within its dry and hot days were engraved flaring anger, sharp acrimony, and tears. When penghujan took its turn, its wet and rainy hours offered contentment, longings, and encounter. Yet along the changes of seasons, kemarau plots never a treachery against penghujan.

Persaudaraan yang indah serupa dua musim di wilayah khatulistiwa. Ketika kemarau terukir kemarahan, kesengitan, air mata. Ketika penghujan terpetik kegembiraan, kerinduan, pertemuan.
Kemarau tak pernah berkhianat kepada penghujan. (Bulan Sorbadjati & Barata Sena)

CO-CREATORS, a reflection

Besides, those that have met “the path” looked the termites, ants, and aphids as co-creators of wooden works. Even before an artist’d creative intelligence was set in aorse, these tiny living-beings have been at their labour upon or within the tree, diligently. (Bulan Sorbadjati & Barata Sena)

Rayap, semut, dan kutu adalah co-creator bagi orang yang telah bertemu “jalan”. Sebelum kecerdasan kreatifnya mulai bergerak, makhluk-makhluk hidup super kecil itu telah bergiat mengawali karya-karyanya. (Bulan Sorbadjati & Barata Sena)

WALLET. a reflection

Have you ever looked deeply into the inside of your pocket and, with attention, observed the contents of your wallet? When one is truly at a mindful state, one is certainly capable to see that one keeps up with oneself not only cards, money, and coins, but also greed, anger, and attachment.

Pernahkah Anda betul-betul meneliti apa “isi” dompet di saku pakaian yang sedang Anda kenakan?
Apabila batin Anda cukup cerdas, Anda akan mampu melihat bahwa di samping bermacam-macam kartu, lembaran rupiah, Anda membawa serta juga berlembar-lembar keserakahan, kemarahan, dan kemelekatan! (Bulan Sorbadjati & Barata Sena)